Logo: This square peg in a round hole.  (Anyone second that emotion?)

Address: http://journeytojoyfulwholeness.blogspot.com/

E-mail: AdultADDLaGrange@yahoo.com/

Twitter Account: Name: SteadyRecovery

Do check out our group's Twitter Account. I have searched out many terrific links with information, resources, articles, and free e-books.

Meetings Held: Wednesday Evenings 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Where: LaGrange Public Library, Lower Level Meeting Room
10 W. Cossitt Avenue (off of LaGrange Road)
LaGrange, IL 60525 Phone: 708-352-0576

Meeting organizer and temporary facilitator: Maryellen Grady
708-482-4984, but I hate the phone.  E-mail me here or at missmarymac0040@sbcglobal.net.  Put "Support Group" in all caps for subject and I won't miss it.

I have ten years of experience in counseling/psychology and in facilitating groups as a former certified substance abuse counselor. That kind of experience certainly is not a requirement for facilitating our group but it helped me some in getting this thing together.

First Meeting: Jan 19, 2011 and every Wednesday after that

Speakers & Topics So Far: (Written before meeting started and I could get more topic suggestions from group.)

jan 26, 2011

Feb 2, 2011

Feb 9, 2011 -

Feb 16, 2011

Feb 23, 2011 - Paul Fitzgerald - The Ways We Sabotage Our Lives

March 2, 2011

March 9, 2011

Topics we would like to discuss have addressed: ADD and:

*relationships, dating, marriage

*parenting as an AD/HD parent, parenting our own ADD children

*organization. We have at least one professional organizer with ADD education and experience willing to come.

*ADD coaching: What exactly goes on? Would it be helpful for you to hire one to come in and set up my home for help with organizing it? What kind of options are available? How much does it cost? 

Jobs, Work and Career: Focusing on past job problems with an eye towards avoiding them in the future. Finding a job with a spotty work history. Jobs for people with AD/HD.

The Family: Coordinating schedules and activities, accepting and meeting responsibilities, financial pressure, child-rearing, marital tension, emotional chaos, communication problems, prioritizing problems and goals, clarify expectations, consistency, respecting boundaries, relieving stress and playing together, finding and accepting support--the list is a long one.

Social Skills: Why some say people with AD/HD have poor social skills. True or false? If true, what do we do to improve them?  Give examples.

Medications: Some people do fine with stimulant drugs, others can't tolerate them and look for natural remedies. What remedies/treatments are available and what are our experiences with them and/or our knowledge of their success rates and side effects?

Improving self-esteem. Putting aside perfectionism and accepting ourselves just as we are. How do the 12 Steps help with this? What has helped you? Brainstorming on techniques for improving self-image and self-confidence.

Reaching acceptance of our illness and not blaming ourselves for symptoms of it. How far have you come? Suggestions for improving acceptance of having AD/HD. How 12 Steps help with this. How therapy, ADD coaching, group meetings, networking and discussions help with acceptance.

We can add topics as they suggest themselves. Please bring up new topics to add at meetings, in blog comments, or send an e-mail.